Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Well-I've been happy so far-there've been a couple times when the depression threatened to come back-but I've been successfully fighting it back. :)

However, I feel my innocence is slowly ebbing away-and I would appreciate it if the world would be less grown-uppy.

I've recently realized that a lot of my fellow classmates are addicted to pot (which I just recently disovered is slang for marijuana...see?? That's how naive I am!!), and that makes me..sad.
I mean that people would waste their lives like that-lose themselves, their friends, their family, their hope, their sanity..
I mean the list of famous and ordinary people alike that've died from illegal drug overdoses goes on and on.
How long will it be before one of the young, promising kids at my school do a little too much-and then poof!-their life is gone. No one will know what they could've accomplished.

I wanna reach out to these people-scream some sense at them-tell them it's totally selfish to wanna do drugs because it just causes pain for those who care about them.
And I understand that a big reason why people do drugs is to escape from their problems-but you have to SUCK IT UP!! Just look at me! I was depressed for two God forsaken years-and I've NEVER had drugs in my life. It's not like I'm strong or anything, hell-I thought about taking stuff to numb the pain-but what kept me going was knowing that if there was one person on this earth who actually desperately needed me to be alive and well, it was my mom. I'm not being mean-I'm just repeating what she said-that she couldn't live without me. I stayed alive and away from drugs for her.

So, I doubt anyone at my school (or at any school) reads this, but on the off chance they are, please, try to get off that crap. I know it's wicked hard-but trust me-you've got to look out for yourself, because few other peopole will. And when you come across people that do look out for you-hang onto them-because they'll give you the support and motivation you need to get through your issues. And also-think about it-most people take drugs to relieve themselves of the knowledge of their suckish situation, but then taking drugs, in itself, becomes a suckish situation...DUH!!

Peace out! >o

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