Sunday, November 8, 2009

The O Factor-no-I'm not talking about Oprah

Obama has a lot of appeal-that's why he's president-he's African-American-he's from Chicago-...uh, he's black,..

but this nation seems to be obsessed with him.

Frankly, that's a bit refreshing after the 200 years or so of white guys, but still..

Why is America suffering from Obama-mania? Is it solely because he's black? Or is it because he's black and charismatic?

I can't answer that. Ask a psycho-analyst. He'd be able to tell you. But since you likely don't have access to a sociologist, I, an un-informed fifteen year old, will give you my best guess:

Obama has come to us at a tumultous time-it's a decade into the new millenium, where technology has drastically changed our lifestyle, habits, and society. Think "Iron Age" for the modern world.

All this technology, and the change that comes with it, is confusing. Not to mention the lingering effects of the counter culture movement during the 60's which have opened the floodgates for stuff like porn, pornos, and other sex related stuff which many feel is undermining the values Americans share.

Enter Obama-a shining symbol of what can be accomplished when you're determined-and skilled at giving speeches.

And he's BLACK. It's like expecting to find a gold coin and finding a treasure chest.

Obama is the embodiment of the notion that America has finally gotten past its racist past and opened its mind to a newcomer, a rookie, an underdog-an underdog whose father is from Kenya.

And he seems to be implementing good policies-just think-a president who actually comes through for his people. That's HUGE.

Now, don't think I idolize this man, cuz I don't. Um, will you excuse me for a second as I sing a song of praise for Obama?



Anyway-don't think I idolize him. I don't believe in idols..that's againist my religion.


Does anyone know what religion Obama is? I HAVE TO KNOW. Don't ask. I just HAVE to, ok?

Hang on, let me Google it...

Ah ok. Interesting.

Where was I?

Oh yeah. Nation..Obama..obsessed. Ok good.


Obviously, the media loves to see people who regular people admire, fail. I'm not saying Obama has failed us-he has his shortcomings, and the media likes to reap that for what its worth. >Sigh< The media just hates Obama cuz he's black!!

Did I just play the race card?
Oh God, I did.
>Breaks into sobs< I..don't..DESERVE the Nobel Blog Prize!! >Crying hysterically<

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